Pencil portrait of a young girl, Anastacia, with detailed braids, gazing into the distance with the ocean reflected in her eyes.

Pencil portrait sketch “Anastacia’s Portrait” Graphite on Paper

About this artwork











In “Anastacia’s Portrait,” Alex Righetto captures the Ocean in Anastacia’s gaze, symbolizing an ever-present horizon within her.

More on this painting

This is a pencil drawing by Alex Righetto featuring his daughter Anastasia at the age of ten. The work is meticulously detailed, particularly highlighting the dense braids that characterize Anastasia’s hairstyle.

Her thoughtful expression and gaze directed into the distance reflect a moment of contemplation. The drawing technique displays a mastery over the interplay of shadows and light, giving the portrait an almost photorealistic quality. The intricate detailing, especially the dense braids of her hair, is striking.

Moreover, the ocean in her eyes sends a tender message of hope — that the vastness of the sea always remains in her sight, symbolizing a wish for endless possibilities and discoveries.

This portrait marks a moment of personal and artistic rebirth for Righetto.

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    Alex Righetto

    Alex Righetto is an Italian artist based in the US, known for his vibrant and bold paintings that reinterpret Italian and European history in a contemporary context. His work has been featured in various exhibitions and publications, including Vanity Fair and Vogue

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